Thursday, August 20, 2009

Blog Moving!

Soon, I must say goodbye to Google's Blogger... (sniff sniff) - It's been great but I need more from this relationship and quite frankly you just aren't giving me enough flexibility to work with; therefore, our relationship must soon come to an end...

If you currently subscribe to '' you have nothing to do, everything will propagate automatically...

If you currently subscribe to '' you will have to update your subscription to:

This change will take place over the next several days and depending upon the speed of servers around the world, it may take up to 72 hours to reflect the changes...

Again, blogspot... I will miss you... It's been a good year together... Since I started blogging last September, there have been over 4,000 unique visitors from 31 different countries!

-Rick O

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Little A.S.H.S. Children Session

On Saturday I headed down to Westport to capture these little cuties! It was extremely humid out around noontime and wow did these two have super amounts of energy!

Before we headed out though, I managed to grab a few shots inside, with a little stair action here!


A little sisterly love!

-Rick O

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Little Baby O!

Saturday morning I had a meeting with a couple to discuss their wedding and Kristin's niece "Baby O" was there and I just had to grab a couple quick shots before I left!!!

How freaking cute is she??? :)

-Rick O

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Assistant Alyssa!

Every once in a while I have someone occasionally contact me regarding 2nd shooting or assisting in some of the photography I do... Alyssa is one of those individuals who contacted me several weeks ago via a referral!

Alyssa is a graduate of RPI with a degree in biomedical engineering and also studied photography (maybe I can learn something and finally figure out what I am doing!)..

I had a session scheduled today which was cancelled due to weather, and Alyssa still wanted to head out... We went down to the beach, here in Woodmont and I grabbed a few images.

Ya know I love the brick walls LOL!

And a little beach action here as well!

It was great heading out with ya today! Can't wait to see some of your images from today!

-Rick O


Well, I was in and around the beach this afternoon and I saw this old man walking along the beach and definitely needed to capture him - he had so much character.. Felt like I knew him all my life - we just chatted for a bit about life and he truly was a gem...

Grabbed this shot as he was walking towards me..

After a few minutes of confabulation he was laughing contagiously!

-Rick O

GTB @ Bear & Grill

On Saturday evening I headed down to Bear & Grill for a few hours to check out my favorite band play!

I have posted so many pics of the band over the last year or so that I'm not gonna do that this time - Instead just a few shots I took while there!

The outside of the restaurant pictured here!

I was really digging this whole look and thought at the time that it would look awesome in B&W!

Since I've never posted/blogged a pic of Tony, this is the perfect time! Tony stepped in to play bass while Dom ran to the bathroom!!! I think that is where he ran to! Not sure, anyways, Tony really was tight on bass and dead on! Tony, you really did an awesome job!

As always GTB is awesome to work with!

-Rick O

Manners Matter

I feel like I always say on such and such a day bla bla bla... :) On Saturday I had the tremendous opportunity to head on down to the Burroughs Community Center in Bridgeport to shoot the Manners Matter 2009 class!

Manners Matter is a program which teaches our youth proper etiquette! I was amazed as the students were speaking how little I knew and that I ought to attend one of these classes myself. I never knew that your plate should be two fingers from the edge of the table!

It's an awesome program - Shawna Ryan from Channel 12 News was also there covering the event!

The executive chef for the event!

A couple of the coaches!

One of the assistant chefs putting all the fixings' out!

And this little girl was absolutely adorable!

Some of the incredible food that was prepared for the event!

-Rick O

Friday, August 7, 2009

Noah's 1st Birthday

Way back in December Nina had me come and do a session with Noah for a surprise gift for her husband Jack! This past Saturday Noah hit the Big 1 Year Old mark and I was there to capture this adorable guy's party, I also was able to finally meet Jack!

Here are some of my favorites from the day starting with this special moment between Mommy and Noah!

Daddy givin' a little affection himself!

I really love this shot of Noah - the almost silhouette like image of himself..

This was a neighbor of Noah and he was climbing the stairs right below me and just gazed right into the camera.

Another neighbor (new to the world no doubt) and just smiling/laughing up a storm!

Noah's cousin was also there for the festivities!

Noah's aunt Annette walking with him a bit.

Really loving this soft diffused light and Noah's beautiful eyes.

I had a great time at Noah's party, was still a little sore from earlier in the day when I kinda had a bumpy ride in Whiplash!

-Rick O

Monday, August 3, 2009

A Bit of Old Saybrook

Yesterday while I was out with a friend on his boat, I managed to grab a few images of some of the lighthouses in Old Saybrook. I've shot there before but from land, so being in the water was a real treat for me!

First a little sailboat shot! Saw this and just needed to capture the moment..

I was really digging this shot of the lighthouse - as well as the last one in this post - couldn't decide which I liked better though!

I don't do much landscape photography, but when I do do it, I really try and capture the moment, just as if it were alive!

-Rick O

Sunday, August 2, 2009

GTB Studio Session

Couple weeks ago George from Groove Time Band gave me a call wanting to schedule some studio time for the band. This past Tuesday they all piled in my tiny little place!

Here are two of my favorites!

These guys are always a blast to work with - was good to see everyone relaxing for a change!!!

-Rick O